Featuring Innovative Water Revitalization Devices
to Energetically Enhance Your Life!
Naturally Producing Balanced, Healthy, Energized Water!
to Energetically Enhance Your Life!
Naturally Producing Balanced, Healthy, Energized Water!
aqua intro from Dana Plant on Vimeo.

Natural Action Water Devices are successfully bringing about transformation for a healthier planet.
Structured water is a dynamical state of molecular bonding and information exchange. This kind of water is beneficial to human life, and in accordance with nature. As one drinks and surrounds one's environment with healthy water, health improves consistently over time.
Natural Action Structured Water Units undoubtedly hold that fantastic capacity to render unwholesome water, deprived of life force, again healthy and ready to drink, in a matter of moments.
The information brought to any kind of water, even spring water fresh from a mountain stream, is beneficial and still only improves the oxygenation and bio-availability of the water.
Structured water is a dynamical state of molecular bonding and information exchange. This kind of water is beneficial to human life, and in accordance with nature. As one drinks and surrounds one's environment with healthy water, health improves consistently over time.
Natural Action Structured Water Units undoubtedly hold that fantastic capacity to render unwholesome water, deprived of life force, again healthy and ready to drink, in a matter of moments.
The information brought to any kind of water, even spring water fresh from a mountain stream, is beneficial and still only improves the oxygenation and bio-availability of the water.

Our Structuring Water Units contain proprietary materials amplifying the water to optimal energy performance!
- instantly hydrating
- positively entrains upon all the water and materials in its field of influence
- restores our bodies and the environment to a healthy optimum state of well being
- eliminates and absorbs things that are harmful to man and nature
- has the ability to clean water from almost all inorganic compounds, including pesticides, bacteria, nitrates, free radicals, heavy metals and other harmful organisms neutralizing toxic water
- increases immunity to illness and disease
- rejuvenates hair and skin
- enhances and increases the energy potential of structured water increasing energy fields tremendously
- supports bio-field from electrical magnetic frequency pollution (EMF's)
- decalcification of organs, glands and joints in the human body as well as pipes in home and commercial buildings
- erases negative memory water has picked up along the way

Are you ready to take the next step toward wellness on all levels?
What if there was something so simple yet harnesses the NATURAL POWER of nature herself? Would you be interested in a life-saving device that would enable your body to utilize it's own innate intelligence for perfect balance? Would you be willing to open your mind and expand your consciousness to connect, align and receive Universal Divine Consciousness ? Are you willing to be part of the solution to make this world a better place for the sake of humanity and our environment? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may wish to check out the benefits of Structured Water Devices! I invite you on a journey of exploration but warn you, what you are about to discover will not only blow your mind, it will revolutionize our world in the most amazing and untold ways!
“When one understands our innate life blood and Structured Water are one and the same; the truth of Nature, we then know we are standing in the doorway to fulfill our Destiny. We are in the Grace of Receivership.“ -Clayton Nolte
Dana Plant, Authorized Dealer, Natural Action Technologies
What if there was something so simple yet harnesses the NATURAL POWER of nature herself? Would you be interested in a life-saving device that would enable your body to utilize it's own innate intelligence for perfect balance? Would you be willing to open your mind and expand your consciousness to connect, align and receive Universal Divine Consciousness ? Are you willing to be part of the solution to make this world a better place for the sake of humanity and our environment? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may wish to check out the benefits of Structured Water Devices! I invite you on a journey of exploration but warn you, what you are about to discover will not only blow your mind, it will revolutionize our world in the most amazing and untold ways!
“When one understands our innate life blood and Structured Water are one and the same; the truth of Nature, we then know we are standing in the doorway to fulfill our Destiny. We are in the Grace of Receivership.“ -Clayton Nolte
Dana Plant, Authorized Dealer, Natural Action Technologies
According to modern physicists, all reality can be described as vibrations and waveform patterns, that everything is light and information. Richard Gerber, M.D., author of Vibrational Medicine states, "It’s only by viewing the body as a multi-dimensional energy system that we begin to approach how the soul manifests through molecular biology. He goes on to say, "When humans truly understand the physical and energetic structures of their minds and bodies, they will be that much closer to comprehending the nature of the universe and the forces of creation which link them
with God."
Drunvalo Melchizedek, a teacher and founder of Flower of Life Workshops, explains the energetic model of healing: “Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared: e=mc 2. What this says is that since the body has mass, it is energy. And if the body is seen only as energy—a valid perception based on quantum physics-- then healing becomes a problem solved with energy and by energy.
This is the basic ground of being for all subtle energy healing. The model of health and wellness relied upon by alternative therapies acknowledges that health means “balance” of this energy within our bodies and its associated energy fields. It is a model of life energy, or “chi,” flowing gently, smoothly, and powerfully through the body and the energy fields that surround it.
Science and Spirituality are finally beginning to merge into a new "Light" and quantum physics is the bridge to a new age of enlightenment! When you come to the realization that our bodies and the Earth are comprised mostly of water, you will be able to comprehend the enormous implications structured water can be as a global contribution toward a "healthy" world! It starts with us in our own lives. If everyone drank structured water and incorporated the units in their household, we could create real change for the health of our bodies and the environment!
with God."
Drunvalo Melchizedek, a teacher and founder of Flower of Life Workshops, explains the energetic model of healing: “Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared: e=mc 2. What this says is that since the body has mass, it is energy. And if the body is seen only as energy—a valid perception based on quantum physics-- then healing becomes a problem solved with energy and by energy.
This is the basic ground of being for all subtle energy healing. The model of health and wellness relied upon by alternative therapies acknowledges that health means “balance” of this energy within our bodies and its associated energy fields. It is a model of life energy, or “chi,” flowing gently, smoothly, and powerfully through the body and the energy fields that surround it.
Science and Spirituality are finally beginning to merge into a new "Light" and quantum physics is the bridge to a new age of enlightenment! When you come to the realization that our bodies and the Earth are comprised mostly of water, you will be able to comprehend the enormous implications structured water can be as a global contribution toward a "healthy" world! It starts with us in our own lives. If everyone drank structured water and incorporated the units in their household, we could create real change for the health of our bodies and the environment!
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